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Wrath of the Lich King

aussagen wie diese stimmen mich da hoffnungsvoll:

IGN: And then keeping them there with extra rewards?

Jeffrey Kaplan: Yes, we've really thought a lot about the reward structure. We've learned a lot of lessons in Burning Crusade about what worked and what didn't and how PvE and PvP itemization need to co-exist. [We're] trying to address what we consider missteps in Burning Crusade in itemization in Wrath of the Lich King.

IGN: What were the missteps?

Jeffrey Kaplan: Not having the complete balance between PvP and PvE itemization. In the sheer quality of items you could get. An example would be the barrier to entry to doing something like Zul'Aman and the skill required to kill a boss there versus the barrier to entry to getting a pair of boots out of the honor system that are very high quality. Just not having enough levity there to balance out between the two. I also don't think we rewarded PvE enough, meaning not enough items dropped in PvE instances.
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