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Tier 11 Bonis enthüllt

Tier 11 Set Bonuses

Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment

Death Knight

* Item - Death Knight T11 Blood 2P Bonus - Increases the damage done by your Death Strike ability by 5%. / Instant
* Item - Death Knight T11 Blood 4P Bonus - Increases the duration of your Icebound Fortitude ability by 50%. / Instant

* Item - Death Knight T11 DPS 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Death Coil and Frost Strike abilities by 5%. / Instant
* Item - Death Knight T11 DPS 4P Bonus - Each time you gain a Death Rune, you also gain 1% increased attack power for 30 sec. Stacks up to 3 times. / Instant


* Item - Druid T11 Restoration 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of the periodic portion of your Lifebloom spell by 5%. / Instant
* Item - Druid T11 Restoration 4P Bonus - Whenever you have Lifebloom stacked to its maximum of 3 applications on its target, you gain 540 Spirit. / Instant

* Item - Druid T11 Balance 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Insect Swarm and Moonfire spells by 5%. / Instant
* Item - Druid T11 Balance 4P Bonus - Whenever Eclipse triggers, your critical strike chance with spells is increased by 99% for 8 sec. Each critical strike you achieve reduces that bonus by 33%. / Instant

* Item - Druid T11 Feral 2P Bonus - Increases the periodic damage done by your Rake and Lacerate abilities by 10%. / Instant
* Item - Druid T11 Feral 4P Bonus - Each time you use Mangle (Cat) you gain a 1% increase to attack power for 30 sec stacking up to 3 times, and the duration of your Survival Instinct ability is increased by 50%. / Instant


* Item - Hunter T11 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Serpent Sting ability by 5%. / Instant
* Item - Hunter T11 4P Bonus - Your Focus Fire ability grants 1% additional haste per application of Frenzy, your Chimera Shot ability has a 10% chance to immediately refund half its focus cost, and your Black Arrow also deals instant damage to your target. / Instant


* Item - Mage T11 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of Arcane Missiles, Ice Lance, and Pyroblast by 5%. / Instant
* Item - Mage T11 4P Bonus - Reduces the cast time of Arcane Blast, Fireball, Frostfire Bolt, and Frostbolt by 10%. / Instant


* Item - Paladin T11 Retribution 2P Bonus - Increases the damage done by your Templar's Verdict ability by 10%. / Instant
* Item - Paladin T11 Retribution 4P Bonus - Your Inquisition ability's duration is calculated as if you had one additional Holy Power. / Instant

* Item - Paladin T11 Protection 2P Bonus - Increases the damage done by your Crusader Strike ability by 10%. / Instant
* Item - Paladin T11 Protection 4P Bonus - Increases the duration of your Guardian of Ancient Kings ability by 50%. / Instant

* Item - Paladin T11 Holy 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Holy Light spell by 5%. / Instant
* Item - Paladin T11 Holy 4P Bonus - Whenever your Holy Radiance spell is active, you gain 1620 Spirit. / Instant


* Item - Priest T11 Healer 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Heal spell by 5%. / Instant
* Item - Priest T11 Healer 4P Bonus - Each time your Penance spell heals a target with Weakened Soul you gain 540 Spirit for 10 sec, and being in a Chakra state grants you 540 Spirit for the duration of the Chakra. / Instant

* Item - Priest T11 Shadow 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Mind Flay and Mind Sear spells by 5%. / Instant
* Item - Priest T11 Shadow 4P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Shadowy Apparitions by 30%. / Instant


* Item - Rogue T11 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Backstab Mutilate, and Sinister Strike abilities by 5%. / Instant
* Item - Rogue T11 4P Bonus - Each of your melee autoattacks has a 1% chance to activate Deadly Scheme for 15 sec, increasing the critical strike chance on your next Eviscerate or Envenom by 100%. / Instant


* Item - Shaman T11 Restoration 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Healing Wave spell by 5%. / Instant
* Item - Shaman T11 Restoration 4P Bonus - Grants 540 Spirit for 6 sec after you cast Riptide / Instant

* Item - Shaman T11 Enhancement 2P Bonus - Increases damage done by your Lava Lash and Stormstrike abilities by 10%. / Instant
* Item - Shaman T11 Enhancment 4P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Lightning Bolt spell by 10%. / Instant

* Item - Shaman T11 Elemental 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Flame Shock spell by 10%. / Instant
* Item - Shaman T11 Elemental 4P Bonus - Reduces the cast time of your Lightning Bolt spell by 10%. / Instant


* Item - Warlock T11 2P Bonus - Reduces the cast time of your Chaos Bolt, Hand of Gul'dan, and Haunt spells by 10%. / Instant
* Item - Warlock T11 4P Bonus - Periodic damage from your Immolate and Unstable Affliction spells has a 2% chance to cause your next Fel Flame spell to have a 100% increased critical strike chance. / Instant


* Item - Warrior T11 DPS 2P Bonus - Increases the damage done by your Bloodthirst and Mortal Strike abilities by 5%. / Instant
* Item - Warrior T11 DPS 4P Bonus - Each time you use Overpower or Raging Blow you gain a 1% increase to attack power for 30 sec stacking up to 3 times. / Instant

* Item - Warrior T11 Protection 2P Bonus - Increases the damage done by your Shield Slam ability by 5%. / Instant
* Item - Warrior T11 Protection 4P Bonus - Increases the duration of your Shield Wall ability by 50%. / Instant
