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4.2 Hotfix 20 Sept.

Dungeons & Raids


Hell Hound Rend Flesh damage has been reduced by 25%.
The damage multiplier granted by energy to Unstable Magma has been reduced by 50%.

Health and damage have been reduced by 25% on normal difficulty. Health and damage have been reduced by 15% on Heroic difficulty.
Alysrazor now drops 1 additional feather in 10-player mode and 2 additional feathers in 25-player mode in all cycles.
The Wings of Flame buff duration on Alysrazor is now uniformly 30 seconds.
Alysrazor’s Fiery Tornados now move slower.


Health and damage have been reduced by 25% on normal difficulty. Health and damage have been reduced by 15% on Heroic difficulty.
Baleroc now swings 25% slower while Decimation Blade is active.
The duration of Tormented has been reduced on normal difficulty.


Beth'tilac's health and damage have been reduced by 15% on both normal and Heroic difficulty.

Lord Rhyolith

Health and damage have been reduced by 15% on both normal and Heroic difficulty.
The health and damage of additional enemies in this encounter have been reduced by 15% on both normal and Heroic difficulty.

Majordomo Fandral Staghelm

Health and damage have been reduced by 25% on normal difficulty. Health and damage has been reduced by 15% on Heroic difficulty.
Druid of the Flame have had their health reduced by 15%, and Sunfire damage reduced by 25% on both difficulties.
The health and melee damage of Spirit of the Flame have been reduced by 25% on normal difficulty, and reduced by 15% on Heroic difficulty.


Ragnaros' health and damage have been reduced by 25% on normal difficulty.
Ragnaros' damage has been reduced by 15% on Heroic difficulty.
Magma Trap damage has been reduced on all difficulties.
The health and damage of additional enemies in this encounter have been reduced by 25% on normal difficulty and 15% on Heroic difficulty.
Wrath of Ragnaros now knocks targets up, but not back, on normal difficulty.


Health and damage have been reduced by 15% on both normal and Heroic difficulty.
Riplimb's health has been reduced by 15%.
Rageface's health has been reduced by 15%.
Magma Flare damage and Hurl Spear damage have been reduced by 15% on both difficulties

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