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No other warlock nerfs are planned for 2.4. One of the things we look at is class representation in arenas (although normalized for class popularity). In this particular chart, a value of 100% means the class is represented as we'd expect, a value over 100% means the class is represented that much more often than we'd expect, a value below 100% means they're represented less than we'd want (obviously this chart doesn't include a spec breakdown in any way).

one other detail regarding the chart, this one is set at 2200+ rating.

2v2 3v3 5v5
Druid 276.0% 184.0% 80.5%
Hunter 43.0% 50.2% 43.0%
Mage 8.7% 96.0% 96.0%
Paladin 19.7% 29.5% 147.4%
Priest 113.3% 164.8% 185.4%
Shaman 37.8% 50.4% 138.6%
Rogue 144.2% 175.1% 61.8%
Warlock 149.2% 93.2% 111.9%
Warrior 130.4% 90.7% 79.3%

Here's 1850...

Druid 184.0% 138.0% 92.0%
Hunter 50.2% 50.2% 50.2%
Mage 61.1% 87.3% 87.3%
Paladin 68.8% 88.4% 137.6%
Priest 133.9% 133.9% 154.5%
Shaman 75.6% 88.2% 138.6%
Rogue 154.5% 154.5% 82.4%
Warlock 121.2% 102.5% 102.5%
Warrior 90.7% 85.0% 85.0%

Locks are doing pretty well overall, but what had us worried was that it appeared to us a month ago or so as though warlocks were on an uptrend. However, the evidence is strong that that trend is reversing, which means significant nerfs aren't really what we want right now (we really don't know where those numbers will settle down).

soviel zum Thema Balance...
Die effektivste Strategie im 5er? Ob mit Euro Comp oder 2345/2346: "Zergt den Hexer".
Die Strategie ist so stumpfsinnig wie erfolgreich, das einzige was bleibt, ist sich zu bedanken für all die Naps in unserem Realmpool - die unter anderem dafür sorgen das wir immer noch 2-3 Monate hinter dem "aktuellen" Geschehnissen anderswo hinterher hinken - was das PvP angeht. *fies*

Hexer haben in jedem Patch in TBC eins mit der Klatsche bekommen (stellenweise durchaus gerechtfertigt), die unkitebare Klasse mit dem größten Schadensoutput in jeder Arenagröße dagegen gar nichts.

Wie sie daraus nun ein E-Sports Game machen wollen, find ich mehr und mehr verwunderlich. Sie schaffen die Balance und Strategien mehr und mehr ab, hin zum Melee-Zerg.
In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.